UK-Russia joint session on marine expeditions in the Arctic: Understanding Marine Biology and Biogeochemistry of the Changing Arctic Ocean: UK’s CAO and Russian Arctic marine research programmes
Date: 30th October 2020
Time: 1130 – 1330 (UK time)
To register for the session please click here
The Arctic is undergoing profound change in response to rapidly increasing air temperatures and associated changes to the cryosphere. Many of these changes directly influence the Arctic Ocean, via processes such as oceanic warming, increased terrestrial-ocean linkages and sea-ice decline. The impact of these changes on the structure and functioning of marine ecosystems is however still poorly understood. Developing a greater understanding of climate change impacts on Arctic marine biology and biogeochemistry is crucial for us to be able to project future changes, and to examine longer-term implications of change on Arctic Ocean ecosystems and beyond. In response to this challenge, multi-year marine research programmes in the Arctic are required.
This session will discuss on-going projects in the Arctic such as the UK Changing Arctic Ocean Programme (CAO) and comparable Russian marine research programmes to provide a platform for improving bilateral science cooperation. We hope the session will allow participants to share their goals, scientific questions and priorities and help map common interests for Arctic science cooperation. The session will bring together UK-based researchers from the CAO programme, and representatives of Russia’s leading research institutions involved in Arctic marine research and marine research programmes. We strongly welcome contributions from early career researchers from both Russia and the UK.
For further information, please visit the MARESEDU2020 website