NERC Arctic Office Bulletin – September 2024

4th September 2024

Welcome to the September 2024 NERC Arctic Office Bulletin. If you have an event or news that you would like us to promote and share with the wider community, please let us know. We’re always glad to hear from you. If you haven’t received this Bulletin direct, you can sign up to our mailing list on the website’s home page. For all previous bulletins, please visit the Arctic Office bulletins page.


Next Generation UK/Canada Arctic Science Engagement Scheme 2024-25 – call for applications

 An opportunity for early to mid-career researchers – including Inuit knowledge holders and community members – from across Canada and the UK to apply for travel funds to attend the final Canada – Inuit Nunangat – United Kingdom Arctic Research Programme (CINUK) Annual Science Meeting in Ottawa, Canada, 4 – 6 December 2024.

The CINUK Programme 2021-2025 brings together funders from across Canada and the UK, rights holders and researchers in a unique international collaboration which includes thirteen multi-disciplinary projects. The focus of the programme is on creating high quality science, equitable partnerships, and shared governance. All research is conducted in Inuit Nunangat in collaboration with Inuit researchers and community members.

This final meeting for the Programme will be an important step in supporting the next generation of Arctic researchers, widening the pool of knowledge, and supporting new inclusive partnerships between researchers from the UK, Canada, Inuit Nunangat and beyond.

Through access to the CINUK project teams and international funders and partners, the Next Generation UK-Canada Arctic Science Engagement Scheme will encourage important training and development opportunities for the next generation of Arctic researchers by enabling their participation in the meeting, whilst also exploring the potential for new partnerships. Deadline for applications is 30 September 2024.

More information about this scheme is available on the Arctic Office website.

Further information about the CINUK programme is available on the CINUK website.

Arctic Science Summit Week 2025

The next Arctic Science Summit Week will be held in Boulder, Colorado (USA) from 20 – 28 March 2025. The theme for ASSW 2025 is “Arctic Research Planning for the Next Decade” as it will include the Fourth International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV) Summit, providing a unique opportunity for participants to contribute toward planning the next decade of Arctic research. The ICARP IV Summit will engage Arctic researchers, Indigenous Peoples, policymakers, and other interested parties from around the world, serving as a crucial milestone for shaping the Fifth International Polar Year in 2032–33. ASSW 2025 will be hosted as a hybrid event at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Preliminary ASSW 2025 Agenda:

  • 20–24 March 2025:  Business and Community Meetings
  • 25–28 March 2025:  ICARP IV Summit

Important Dates:

Arctic Circle Assembly 2024

The 2024 Arctic Circle Assembly will be held on the 17th to 19th October at the Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre in Reykjavik Iceland. This is one of the largest annual international gatherings on the Arctic, bringing together key stakeholders from across the Arctic and beyond. Registration is now open and will remain open online until 14th October. After this date, you will only be able to register on site. Please note this is an in person meeting only. There will be UK-led sessions on: UK-Iceland Arctic Science Partnership Scheme; Arctic Council Working Group Scheme; the Canada-Inuit Nunangat United Kingdom Arctic Research Programme and more, together with a UK-focused Arctic marine science booth. Please do let us know if you are planning to be there too –

ArcticNet Arctic Change Conference 2024

ArcticNet’s 5th International Arctic Change Conference (AC2024) will take place 9 to 12 December at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa, Canada. This conference brings together researchers from the natural, health, and social sciences to meet the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly changing Arctic region. This conference will push the boundaries of our collective understanding of the Arctic and strengthen our ability to address the issues of today and tomorrow. The call for abstracts is now open and closes on 13 September 2024. Further details about this conference, including a full list of sessions is available on the conference website.

UK Antarctic Science Conference 2024 – deadline for abstracts has been extended to 9 September.
The UK Antarctic Science Conference 2024 will take place at the British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge CB3 0ET, 1 – 3 October 2024. It will start on Tuesday 1st of October at 12:30pm and finish 3rd October at 12:30pm. The meeting aims to bring together all in the UK who are involved in Antarctic research or the support of Antarctic science.  Communication of science to non-specialists will be a theme.

The programme will consist of some invited keynote talks, and here you are invited to present a short talk or a poster.  All Antarctic topics are welcome.  We will include information about the forthcoming Antarctic season, NERC’s future plans and science communication to the media.  Please click here  for more information and to see the conference event page.

 To note, the next UK Arctic Science Conference will be held in 2025 and more details regarding venue and dates will be circulated soon.