There are many ways to engage with the UK Arctic Research Community. In this section we will aim to identify some of these opportunities.
Discovering the Arctic is an educational website, informing about the Arctic, providing resources for schools in accordance with the UK National Curriculum. This is the sister site to ‘Discovering Antarctica’.
Arctic Live 2017 – join Jamie Buchanan Dunlop on his interactive teaching weeks, bringing the Arctic into hundreds of schools across the globe.
UK Polar Network is the UK branch of the Association for Polar Early Career Scientists and it regularly organises events across the UK, providing access to expert panels to advise on careers within research.
UK Arctic and Antarctic Partnership (UKAAP) is a community led initiative, aimed at bringing together researchers across a full range of disciplines who are interested in the polar regions.
UK and International Conferences – come and find out about the latest research happening in the UK. We will keep the community up to date with events where we will have a presence, such as Arctic Circle 2018 and POLAR 2018 for example.
Blogs and Images – the Office is very keen to support and promote UK Arctic research and outreach activities. If you would like to write a blog highlighting your research, please get in contact.
Sign up here to our monthly newsletter to keep up with what’s going on in the UK Arctic community.