Polar Governance in Action: balancing multiple interests and values in the management of Arctic and Antarctic tourism

24 Apr 2018
Royal Geographical Society - Hall and Education Centre, London

The British Antarctic Survey, along with the University of Leeds and Royal Holloway, University of London, invites the academic community, policy-makers, industry and the general public for its second Polar Governance Workshop.

At this event, experts from policy and academic communities will discuss and analyse the current cultural, political, commercial and environmental challenges and opportunities associated with the governance of Arctic and Antarctic tourism.

Commercial activities in the Arctic and the Antarctic pose challenges in terms of securing protection of these regions from marine pollution and localised human impact. Tourism in the Polar Regions is a common activity that takes place in alternate summer seasons and promotes awareness of its cultural, environmental, heritage and scientific value to broader audiences.

Global tourism connects the Arctic and the Antarctic, but it still responds differently to the particularities of each pole. In the Arctic, indigenous and northern communities play an important role for tour operators and visitors, whilst in the Antarctic, International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators (IAATO) and the Antarctic Treaty lead the management of tourism.

This workshop will address key issues related to Arctic and Antarctic tourism, such as: How should tourism activities be balanced with scientific ones? How is environment protection both advocated and followed by tourism operators? How can policy-makers balance different and competing interests? Are indigenous peoples and northern communities benefiting from commercial and smaller-scale tourism? What role are gateway cities and ports playing in the management of polar tourism? Should science play a more prominent role in the long-term monitoring of tourism activities? Can tourism promote more diverse public understandings of the Arctic and Antarctic?

The outcomes of this timely workshop will inform industry, communal and political management and public understanding of polar tourism.

To register, please click the following link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/polar-governance-in-action-tickets-42123300927#_ftn1


Henry Burgess, Head of the NERC Arctic Office

Dr. Kim Crosbie, Noble Caledonia Limited / Salen Ship Management

Prof. Klaus Dodds, Department of Geography, Royal Holloway University of London

Prof. James Ford, Priestley Chair in Climate Adaptation, University of Leeds

Dr. Adrian J Howkins, Reader in Environmental History, University of Bristol

Frigg Jørgensen, Executive Director, Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO)

Amanda Lynnes, Head of Communications and Environment, International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators (IAATO)

Camilla Nichols, Chief Executive of the United Kingdom Antarctic Heritage Trust

Dr. Damon Stanwell-Smith, Executive Director, International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators (IAATO)

Jane Rumble, Head of the Polar Regions Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, United Kingdom

***Over lunchtime attendees can view a selection of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)’s historic polar collections***

Time: 0930 to 1630


Royal Geographical Society – Hall and Education Centre

1 Kensington Gore



For further information, please contact d.portellasampaio@leeds.ac.uk

Summary of first polar governance workshop in March 2017 can be found here: https://www.bas.ac.uk/blogpost/guest-blog-exploring-polar-governance/