
The Arctic Office is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and hosted at British Antarctic Survey (BAS). It is tasked with supporting UK research in the high north; providing advice to policy makers; and developing international scientific cooperation across all aspects of Arctic Research.  It does this through improving communication and connections; ensuring better representation and engagement; and delivering new research opportunities. It also incorporates the management of the UK Arctic Research Station at Ny-Ålesund on Svalbard.

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Coverage in @newscientist about SAMS scientist Dr @AlisonJ_Cook's latest #Arctic discovery.

Her findings challenge the belief that less Arctic sea ice will open up shipping lanes between the Pacific and Atlantic through the Northwest Passage. 🚢


Oedd hi'n bleser i efengylu am #cryoconite a newidiadau yn yr Arctig efo @SteffGriff yn #Svalbard!
Ffantastig i weld yr ystod o wyddonwyr amgylcheddol yng Nghymru sydd yn fedrus ac yn hyderus pan yn trafod newid hinsawdd a'i effeithiau ar ein arfordir. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p0j6hk66/colli-cymru-i...

Don't forget to participate in this great initiative from @ehPECS to make your Arctic research more accessible to all!